With this WpStream shortcode/widget/block, you are able to add a list of all the Video-On-Demand content on your site for your viewers easy access. They can go through your list and see what they would like to watch!
Here is how you can add a list of VODs:
Elementor #
Before you get started, you will need to have a few On-Demand videos. Make sure you check out how you can create a VOD product.
Once you have your products set up, go to the page you wish to add the list of VODs and click on ‘edit with Elementor’ at the top of the page. Next, look up ‘WpStream Video on Demand List’ and drag the widget to the desired section.
The widget will show up with different options to edit your VOD list:
- Show free or pay-per-view VODs
- Number of items (channels) per page
- Edit the text under the video
- Order by (recent, ASC, DESC)
To add a free video, click on ‘free’, adjust the rest of the settings as you see fit, and save changes.

You can also add a list of paid VODs to another section by following the same steps.

And that is how you add a list of VODs using Elementor.
WPBakery #
Before you get started, you will need to have a few On-Demand videos. Make sure you check out how you can create a VOD product.
You may also check out the video tutorial at the end of this section.
Once you have your products set up, go to the page you wish to add the list of VODs and click on ‘edit with WPBakery page builder’ at the top of the page. Next, look up ‘WpStream Video on Demand List’ and click on the block.

The following block will show up with different options to edit your VOD list:
- Show free or pay-per-view VODs
- Number of items (channels) per page
- Edit the text under the video
- Order by (recent, ASC, DESC)
To add a free video, click on ‘free’, adjust the rest of the settings as you see fit, and save changes.