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Larix Broadcaster (Android & iPhone/iOS)

< 1 min read

Larix Broadcaster is a free app for iPhones (iOS) and Android that you can use to live stream from your mobile device.  It requires 3 things:

  • A mobile phone or table
  • Larix Broadcaster Mobile App
  • WpStream account
  1. Install Larix Broadcaster

Download from Google Play or the App Store. Once you open up the app, it will ask permission to use your camera, microphone, and location. All of these should be allowed.

  1. Provide Sources

Your camera is ready.

  1. Configure Larix Broadcaster
  • Click Settings and then click ‘Connections’, and ‘+’
  • Give it a name
  • Choose Custom RTMP in the Set up a new output dropdown menu.
  • In the URL box, type/paste your Server and Stream Key one after the other
  • Save
  1. Start Streaming

Go back and click on Record. It will start streaming.